Alliance for Action AID

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AFAA works collaboratively with all humanitarian partners

•Guided by the aspirations of local communities, we pursue our mission with both excellence,
love, and compassion because the people whom we serve deserve our services

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AFAA Serves the most vulnerable
Communities in South sudan

we help bring forth a peaceful and self-sustaining society in socio-economic development.
AFAA has plans in place to extend its humanitarian services to other

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Our current interventions includes, providing integrated health services in Panyinjiar county, Unity State

Delivering humanitarians aid in emergencies situation across the country depending on funds availability.

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To help bring forth a peaceful and self-sustaining society in socio-economic development.

Our mission is to serve the most vulnerable communities, individuals and families in South Sudan who are affected by the conflict and other natural disasters such as flooding, etc.

•Professionalism in services delivery.
•Respect for communities we serve.

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AFAA is a non-profit, and non-political organization that was formed in 2016. It was founded by group of influential elders in Panyijiar County, Unity State alongside other South Sudanese health professionals who saw the challenges and consequences of years of prolonged conflict and under-investment in health services in their remote rural communities. The resulting vulnerability has strengthened a vicious cycle of poverty that in turn drives a high incidence of communicable diseases due to poor living conditions and nutrition coupled with a lack of access to clean drinking water and increasing incidences of gender-based violence towards women and girls

Our health model provides integrated health services through an area-based approach that links those services with communities Our Health core program is centered around Primary Health Care Units (PHCU – the first point of contact to health services within the healthcare structure implemented by the Ministry of Health), and includes integrated mobile clinic services whose outreach is supported by networks of community health workers (CHWs) identified through the Boma Health Initiative (BHI). …Readmore

Our Projects

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Our interventions


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Our interventions

Food security and Livelihood

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Our interventions


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Our intervention


AFAA works collaboratively with all humanitarian partners including government line ministries, religious leaders and local authority in the areas it operates to address local problems

The children in need of support constitute a large percentage of population in South Sudan. The child should grow up in a family environment and in an atmosphere of happiness, love, guidance and understanding.

Malnutrition is one of the greatest threats to child survival worldwide and the underlying cause of nearly half of all child deaths.

Promotes sustainable Community livelihood development and rehabilitation (Food Security), and improved community livelihoods and reduced poverty levels by assisting vulnerable households’ with unrestricted cash transfers with focus on the most vulnerable (women, men, girls, boys and persons with disability (PWDs) affected by flooding and other natural disasters.

The lack of safe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene practices have left a large proportion of South Sudan’s population at persistent risk of preventable waterborne diseases. 

AFAA Integrated Health model provides integrated health services through an area-based approach that links those services with communities.


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