Alliance for Action AID


AFAA Integrated Health model provides integrated health services through an area-based approach that links those services with communities. Our Health core program is centered around Primary Health Care Units (PHCU – the first point of contact to health services within the healthcare structure implemented by the Ministry of Health), and includes integrated mobile clinic services whose outreach is supported by networks of community health workers (CHWs) identified through the Boma Health Initiative (BHI). Beyond health services, AFAA also delivers complementary actions in nutrition, Food Security and Livelihoods, WASH, Non-Food Items and General protection. These integrated services are delivered through partnerships and direct implementation.

South Sudan has some of the worst health indicators in the world. Maternal mortality rate is very high at 2054/100,000. Although about 46% of women attend at least one ANC visit, institutional deliveries account for less then 13% of all births. And contraceptive prevalence rate is very low at 4.7%, with huge unmet need. The outlook for children is equally gruesome with infant mortality rate (IMR) and under-five mortality rate (UMR) at 102 and 135 per 1000 live births, respectively.

This clearly demonstrated that women and children bear the brunt of the burden of sickness. As such, AFAA endeavours to work alongside women and children to ensure that the have access to essential health information and life-saving services to realise improvement in the health.

AFAA strives to provide primary health care services to displaced populations, and also to strengthen host communication by ensuring that their facilities are functional and are able to absorb increased load from the influx of IDPs. The following are some areas, which AFAA a lot of interest in:

Primary health care provision:

The legacy of war is still evident in our health systems. The system is heavily donor dependant and run mostly by international non-governmental organizations (INGOs). This model is unsustainably expensive and cannot continue indefinitely. This is where AFAA comes in. Being a national organization, AFAA promises to provide services for South Sudanese by South Sudanese, thereby greatly cutting the unit cost for every contact with the health system, and providing value for money.

AFAA strives to provide services for women and children through provision of the minimum package of primary health cares services as defined by the MoH 

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